Wine regions

Blick über die Weinberge in Ehrenbreitstein auf die Festung Ehrenbreitstein  ©Koblenz-Touristik GmbH


Middle Rhine


Weinstadt Koblenz
The Moselle and Middle Rhine wine-growing regions meet in Koblenz. In the suburbs of Ehrenbreitstein, Moselweiß, Güls and Lay, ten winegrowers work as their main occupation and several more as a sideline.

Festival wineries:
Weingut Karl Lunnebach
Weingut Spurzem
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Weinberg hinter Koblenz-Ehrenbreitstein mit Mühlental und Festung Ehrenbreitstein im Hintergrund ©Rheinland-Pfalz Tourismus GmbH, Dominik Ketz
Moselle wine region
The Moselle is Germany's oldest wine region, as the Celts and Romans planted vines here over 2000 years ago. The steep slopes of the river valleys are densely planted with vines, and the steep slopes characterize the region like no other wine landscape in the world.

Festival wineries:
Weingut Amlinger&Sohn
Weingut Thielmann & Schinnen
Weingut Lönartz-Thielmann
Weingut Ulrich Göbel
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Goldenes Licht fällt auf das Moseltal und mit seinen Weinbergen und Dörfer ©AdobeStock
Middle Rhine wine region
The Middle Rhine is pure Rhine romance. The region stretches over 120 kilometers - from Bingen to Bonn. Past steep vineyards, castles, fortresses and the world-famous Loreley, the river winds its way through a landscape steeped in history.

Festival wineries:
Scheidgen Winery
Albert Lambrich Winery
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Weinberg mit Burg Kaub und Rhein im Hintergrund ©
Ahr wine region
We AHR open - Not finished yet.

But open and happy about your visit!
Reconstruction in the Ahr Valley continues apace. Thanks to dedicated hosts and numerous supporters, a large part of the tourist offer is already available again. Almost all wineries in the Ahr Valley have continued to operate after the flood disaster in July 2021 and new wine shops, wine cellars and tasting rooms are opening almost daily in the Ahr Valley.

Festival wineries:
Brogsitter Winery
Mayschoss-Altenahr Winegrowers' Cooperative
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Weinberge im Ahrtal ©